The Solomon Islands certainly has our hearts. And we have promised that we will go back to continue what we really has made a difference.
The Solomons is such a special place. We were told to expect the worst. But what we found were beautiful people struggling with poverty, families living without power or clean water....and lots of litter and potholes. A true lack of support and services.
But the people and the animals stay positive. Their smiles are infectious and the way they handle their world is commendable. Every morning we saw hundreds of school children, impeccably dressed in school uniforms, walking to school with packs of cheeky dogs trotting along behind them, a routine both seemed happy with.
Some of the street dogs were unwell, and many are struggling with hunger and parasite burdens, but so many are living their best lives.
Honiara has been without a vet for several years so our services were very much needed, both for the owned dogs and the street dogs alike.
During our first trip to the Solomons with a team of just two vet nurses and two vets we:
- completed 5 full days of desexing
- desexed 130 animals )40 cats and 90 dogs)
- Undertook many complex speys
- TVT treatments,
- Tumor debulking,
- Toe amputations,
- Lump removals,
- Mange treatments,
- Broken legs and a broken pelvis,
- Treated chronic ear and eye infections
This March we are headed back to the Solomons for another week and we need your help to desex and provide treatment for as many animals as possible. We never use funds that have been raised for New Zealand overseas so by donating here you're contributing directly to our efforts in the Solomon Islands.